//Videos and the impatient audience

Videos and the impatient audience

Impatient audience

More and more, all of us are becoming conditioned to rapid scene changes, fast-moving action and quick, easily digestible content. As presenters we must be aware that our audiences will increasingly demand short, bite-size pieces of information.

One of the ways that we can do this is to offer drastically edited video clips. For some reason, even a well produced four minute video, when presented as part of a PowerPoint deck can seem to drag on at a glacial pace. I was recently asked to include a very well-done product video at the start of a speech. The clip at four minutes was way too long to show as part of a live presentation. I could almost see the yawns after the first 90 seconds or so. We trimmed it down to one minute and even that seems a bit much.

I am not sure why a live presentation demands this type of super short video but it does. Edit away all but the essential information, keep it as short, fast moving and to the point as you can.


By |2018-12-07T19:39:19+00:00June 26th, 2016|Daily emails|Comments Off on Videos and the impatient audience

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